Elementor #3540
Acupuncture: The Evidence What can Acupuncture help with? Research is increasingly showing acupuncture to be effective for a range of different health conditions. However, the evidence is stronger for some conditions than for others. You can also check out Nick’s acupuncture research podcast where he discusses the latest evidence with some of the leading experts […]
The Antidepressants Controversy

The Antidepressant Controversy The widespread use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) as the first-line treatment for depression is clearly not justified by the research; clinical effectiveness is questionable and potentially do not out-weigh the side effects. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the antidepressants recommended as the first-line treatment for the majority of […]
What are the Acupuncture Meridians?
Nick discusses the scientific evidence for the meridians and channels in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and explores the correlations with Western anatomical structures and systems. This lecture was given at the ‘2018 World TCM Acupuncture-Moxibustion Health Conference’ at Cambridge University, Jesus College.
Effective Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis can be a painful condition to live with. Nick demonstrates a number of exercises you can undertake at home to improve the pain.
Ankle and Foot Rehabilitation; Effective Exercises

Painful ankles and feet can be a chronic condition to live with. Nick demonstrates a number of exercises you can undertake at home to improve the pain.
Neck Pain and Shoulder Posture; Effective Exercises

Sciatica; Effective Exercises

Lower Back Pain; Effective Exercises

7 Tips for a Healthy Diet

7 Tips for a Healthy Diet The a healthy diet and proper nutrition plays an essential part both in the prevention and recovery of a wide range of chronic illnesses. What is a healthy diet? This is a surprisingly difficult question to answer! There is an incredible amount controversy about what is healthy for a […]
How Does Acupuncture Work?

How does Acupuncture work? This is a question that is often not answered very well. In this article I will briefly discuss the Modern Western Science and Traditional Eastern Philosophy behind the practice of Acupuncture. The use of Acupuncture dates back more than 2000 years and has historically been used to treat a wide range […]